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Press-Release: MATA bolsonarismo



78 pages


ISBN 9786585267007

Our publisher P9 launches in March 2023 the pre-sale of the book 'MATA Bolsonarismo’ — the second edition of a mini anthology which includes the article and part of Fabio Teixeira's photographic series, 'The dehumanizing narrative surrounding police killings in Rio de Janeiro’, awarded in 2022 in the category of photojournalism at the 39th Journalism Human Rights Award and honorable mention in 44th Vladimir Herzog Prize.


The anthology includes the following articles:
Between Balas and Garimpos: The lives of indigenous peoples and black favela residents under the state of exception (by Eduardo Barbosa).
Bolsonarism, Nationalism as a Religion (by Felipe Lott).
Brazil's gun policies mimic those of the US, but have greater class divisions (by Mirna Wabi-Sabi).
The Inefficiencies of Democracy and Police Operations in Favelas (by Mirna Wabi-Sabi).
The Dehumanizing Narrative Around Police Murders in Rio de Janeiro (by Mirna Wabi-Sabi).


The first edition of the mini anthology MATA 'Das Bruxas' came out in 2021, and focused on Silvia Federici’s feminist theory, with an unpublished article by her in Brazil, interviews with her and an article by PROAC-awarded artist Fabiana Faleiros.

This year, we chose to analyze the Brazilian Bolsonarist period, because we recognize that to effectively ensure that atrocious political phenomena do not recur, it is necessary to understand how they emerged, and what feeds them.

Our work with Fabio Teixeira, one of the founders of Plataforma9, also generated debate on the need to contextualize photojournalistic images, a topic addressed in the article that accompanies and entitles the award-winning photographic series.

The virtual launch of 'MATA Bolsonarismo' will take place in the months of March and April, and books sold during the pre-sale will be distributed at the end of May.



Plataforma9 is a journalistic initiative that publishes articles and paperbacks in several languages and in several countries. So far we have books in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Indonesian, and we sell in Brazil, United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Australia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina and Chile, and also in Indonesia with a partner publisher called Sabate. We also offer editing, media literacy and copywriting services. Our books are the size of a smartphone, made to be portable, and read anywhere.

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